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發表於 2023-11-23 17:05:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Investment opportunities for Africa and China at PIGA B2B event in Hangzhou


(Hangzhou-Geneva) The International Trade Centre (ITC), the Investment Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Co妹妹erce of the People’s Republic of China, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the Municipal Government of Hangzhou, are today and tomorrow organizing a business-to-business (B2B) matchmaking event in Hangzhou, China.



The meeting, organized under the auspices of the Partnership and Investment for Growth in Africa (PIGA) project, funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), will focus on agro-processing and light manufacturing opportunities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia. It will bring together companies and investment promotion organizations from the four African countries and Chinese companies that have strong interests in building business partnerships and investing in Africa.
這次對接會在“非洲投資與增加的互助伴”(PIGA)框架下举行,该項目由英國海外成长部帮助,旨在促成埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、莫桑比克和赞比亚农產物加工業和轻工制造業的 成长。這次對接會将會聚非洲四國的企業和投資促成機構,和有强烈欲望投資非洲和與之創建貿易瓜葛的中國企業。

Companies participating in the B2Bs will have the opportunity to meet with new business partners, explore new areas of cooperation and attend the plenary and practical sessions of the event.


Feng Yaoxiang, Director of the Department of Trade and Investment Promotion of CCPIT, said: 'PIGA enjoys great practical significance. With rich content in various forms, this event has been warmly welcomed by Chinese and African enterprises. Nearly 80 African companies have met with more than 200 representatives from Chinese enterprises. We hope that all participants have been able to make full use of this opportunity to carry out in-depth exchanges and discussions, expkubet,and trade and investment cooperation, and achieve mutually-beneficial and win-win development.’

“對非投資互助企業對接會,具备很是首要的實際意义。此次勾當內容豐硕、情势多样,遭到中非两邊企業踊跃相應,近百位非洲企業家與 200多位中國企業代表會聚一堂。但愿大師充實操纵此次機遇,深刻展開交换钻研,扩展商業投資互助,實現互利双赢成长”,中國國際商業促成委员會投資促成部部长冯耀祥说到。

In addition to one-on-one business meetings, a dedicated pitching session will showcase concrete large investment projects to participating Chinese investors. The event participants will benefit from the plenary to learn about the advantages and opportunities for investing in the four African countries and hear about the experience of Chinese companies who have already invested in those countries.


‘Africa is a continent on the rise with huge untapped potential for investment and trade,’ said Ashish Shah, Director for C中和抽化糞池,ountry Progra妹妹es at ITC. ‘It is very well endowed with natural resources, a growing reservoir of young and skilled human resources, and a large internal market with a growing middle-class. In other words, Africa is more than ready to attract investments and boost trade.’

“非洲是一片‘冉冉升起’的大陸,有待挖掘庞大的投資和商業潜能”,國際商業中間國度項目司司长 Ashish Shah 说道,“那邊有豐硕的天然資本,不竭强大的纯熟青壮人力和日趋增加的中產阶层带来庞大的海內市場。换句话说,非洲已做好筹备接管外来投資和增加的商業。”

‘ITC’s PIGA project is an innovative partnership that encourages responsible investments 學習理財,into Africa with a view to promote sustainable and inclusive growth across the continent,’ Mr. Shah said.


Through the PIGA project, ITC supp邱大睿,orts increased foreign investment and business partnerships local development in two productive sectors, agro-processing and light manufacturing. Its goal is to boost exports, jobs and local development through foreign investments and bus膝蓋貼布,iness partnerships in the two sectors in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia.

國際商業中間經由過程PIGA項目,支撑农產物加工業和轻工制造業两大出產型行業增长外資和在非洲當地貿易火伴瓜葛的成长。该項目旨在經由過程在埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、莫桑比克和赞 比亚两大行業的外商投資和貿易火伴瓜葛,促成出口、就業、當地成长。

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